This Week At Anansi Charter School October 30th-November 3rd:
This Week At Anansi Charter School October 30th-November 3rd:
Tuesday: Halloween parties are scheduled for the afternoon. Please send your child’s costume in a bag. Each class will advise you of their start time, generally kids start to put their costumes on after 1pm. Parties will take place in the classrooms first, and we will culminate our afternoon with a parade in the back of the school at 2:45. Parents are welcome to join in on the fun, and then you can take your children out for the evening’s festivities after the parade.
Tuesday After Care and Chess are Cancelled due to Halloween. All students need to be picked up between 3:30 and 3:45. There is also bus service available.
Wednesday: Director’s Coffee Club for Parents is cancelled, our school arts topic will be discussed the following Wednesday, November 8th.
No School Lunch on Wednesday, November 1st due to the Taos Schools closure on the 1st. All students will need to bring a lunch from home on Wednesday, November 1st.
Thank you for taking the time to attend a conference on Friday, we hope you found your meetings helpful and illuminating!
You should have received your Truffle and Art Card Order Form, if not please inquire in the office, or look for the order form on our school website. You will find a small picture of your child’s art featured on the art card attached to the order form. We collecting orders through November 10th. We are also hoping to have parents volunteer to help with the truffle making on December 2nd, please sign up in your child’s classroom. All the proceeds provide scholarships for students to participate in winter sports and to cover the 5 weeks of transportation for the winter sports programs. Our goal is to sell 700 boxes of truffles.
Next week you will receive the winter sports sign up information.
Thanks for your support! Ms. Michele