Anansi has developed a research-based fully aligned curriculum that has been recognized and accepted by the New Mexico Public Education Department. The Anansi Curriculum provides instructional strategies and developmentally appropriate activities that support student learning.
Each subject area allows each child the gradual transition moving from concrete to abstraction. Each instructional concept is supported by several instructional methodologies and student activities/practice. The curriculum includes a plan for evaluation and assessment of student progress that is curriculum driven and demonstrated through student performance based evidence, teacher observation and evaluation, and short cycle assessments.
Anansi Charter School recognizes the importance of early childhood and elementary education and focuses on appropriate and sequential development practices for the whole child from age five through eleven. Anansi utilizes an activity based and integrated curriculum throughout the day, realizing that children learn best through active manipulation of their learning environment. Keeping the size of the school small is vital to the incubation of relationships; teacher to student, teacher to parent, and teacher to teacher. This intimacy assures a continuum in the quality and philosophy of an Anansi education.
The Anansi Charter School believes in the importance of educating the whole child; therefore, ACS considers and focuses on many factors to educate each child. These factors include but are not limited to the following:
• Development of relationship with the parents: ACS believes a partnership is formed with the parents in the education of the child, the parents are a great resource for knowing and understanding the child, parental support and collaboration is an essential ingredient for student success
• Development of a trusting and caring relationship between child and teacher: ACS believes the student must believe that the teacher cares about him or her and will support him or her through the learning process
• Awareness of Child Developmental Readiness: ACS believes each teacher must understand child development in all domains: cognitive, motor skills (fine and gross), social emotional, and language and linguistic development.
• Child Physical Well-being: ACS believes each student must be provided nutritious food, physical exercise, adequate rest, and water to drink; in addition to being provided educational knowledge and skills to maintain lifelong healthy habits.
• Child Social Emotional Well-being: ACS believes that the climate and culture of the school must consistently maintain a feeling of safety for all students.
Language Arts
Systematic and structured instruction of phonics, comprehension, fluency, vocabulary, speaking and listening skills. This is a phonics based, literature enriched Language Arts program. This program includes mechanics, comprehension and enjoyment of reading, writing, speaking and listening skills. First and Second grade programs include spelling.
A research based, spiraling math curriculum (Everyday Mathematics) that is aligned with National and State math standards.
Instructs through inquiry and scientific method, using hands-on experiments and demonstrations, which introduces biological and physical sciences. (FOSS Program)
Social Studies
Anansi has developed curriculum integrating geography, economics, local and world cultures, arts, science, history, literature and music. A global cultural studies and community outreach program.
Here is a link to the online graphic novel: The Great Book of Westward Expansion by Mr. Cooper’s Anansi Charter 8th Grade Class 2017-2018
ACS aims to develop basic fluency in the Spanish language among students, including listening, speaking, reading and writing. Teachers use dynamic, research-proven methodology to foster fluency, focusing on repetition of high-interest, comprehensible input. In addition, the program cultivates students’ awareness and appreciation of the varied cultures in Spanish-speaking areas, right here in Taos and around the world.
Children are encouraged and taught to express themselves through music, movement, visual and performing arts. Though specific skills and techniques are taught, the primary thrust of the Arts Program is to integrate the arts into the core curriculum areas.
Introduction of basic computer skills, use of the computer as a tool for information gathering and processing and interactive cultural and language exchange with a school in Mexico.
Health and Physical Education
Holistic health curriculum inclusive of hygiene, anatomy and physiology, personal awareness, interpersonal communication skills, gross motor development and fundamental skills and knowledge of sports and games, developing an interest in life-long physical activity.
Outdoor Education
Integration with geography, geology, biology, history and environmental science.
Emotional Intelligence
A curriculum for building self-awareness in understanding personal needs, navigating emotions, communication skills, and social skills for getting along with others.
Additional Curriculum Information
Proven Reading and Math Techniques
An innovative balanced literacy program based on the components of the Report of the National Reading Panel and Orton-Gillingham approved reading strategies is used. The program includes phonemic awareness, phonics, fluency and comprehension instruction, and a language arts curriculum of writing, literature, and spelling and vocabulary instruction. The ACS math curriculum is standard-based and research-based for effectiveness. Instruction of math concepts are based in best practices: using manipulatives and reinforced through practice, always working with concrete first and moving to abstractions.
Curriculum Enhancements
Students learn and experience Spanish language, computers, journal writing, science, social studies, physical education, environmental awareness, and the arts inclusive of music, performing arts, movement/dance, and fine arts.
Integrated Curriculum
Teaching is done in focused units on a wide range of topics, allowing students to integrate facts into practical knowledge in multi-age groupings. Classes explore topics that integrate science, history, geography, language arts and fine arts.
Children learn best by mastering (internalizing) academic skills and concepts, which then become the foundation for new knowledge. All students are expected to do quality work, completing and correcting lessons as needed.
Problem-Solving Skills
Anansi enables children to experience the process of solving academic and social problems by asking questions. By formulating choices, considering the outcomes of those choices, then testing them in a safe environment, and experiencing the results; hence, children learn to make appropriate choices.
Special Education and Response To Intervention (RTI)
Through assessment, classroom observation, and parent meeting process, students are identified who qualify and will benefit from targeted assistance in reading and mathematics through the RTI model. Anansi’s targeted assistance program provides instructional tutorial support to qualifying students in a small group pull-out format. Anansi provides Special Education services for qualifying students in the least restrictive setting with qualified teachers.