Governance Council
The Governance Council has final authority for all aspects of the school’s operation and educational program.
Anansi Charter School is a New Mexico Public Charter School authorized by the Taos Municipal School District. Our Governance Council serves as the board of directors, and is governed in its operations and its actions by its approved bylaws of the Charter School, which are consistent with the terms of the charter, the Charter Schools Act, and all other applicable laws. The Governance Council has final authority for all aspects of the school’s operation and educational program. The roles and responsibilities of the Governance Council include but are not limited to:
Monitor fiscal solvency and management.
Approve budgets/spending and fiscal policies.
Educational Program:
Monitor student performance.
Ensure curriculum aligns with mission.
Hire/fire/evaluate Director.
Approve personnel policies.
Enter into financing and building contracts.
Approve construction and remodeling of facilities.
The Governance Council meets the third Wednesday of each month
(excluding July) at 5:30 pm.
There may be occasions such as community events, school functions or board trainings where a quorum of the board is present. No business will be discussed during these occasions.
Governance Council 2023-2024
President: Valerie Higgins,
Vice President: Leslie Mondragon Romero,
Treasurer: Eitan Lewin,
Secretary: Leilani Dean,
Member: Iris Thornton,
Member: Hannah Garcia,
Member: Eileen Horn,
Member: Sophia Seim,